Sunday, July 06, 2008


I would really be a whole lot happier if, at the end of his term, George Bush didn’t walk away scot-free. (This is assuming that Cheney and Rove haven’t come up with some Reichstag endgame to nullify democracy and extend the Bush reign indefinitely.) The man has wrecked the USA (not to mention Iraq) for everyone except the super-rich and his oil baron masters, and, one way of another, he should pay for it. I’m aware that a Saddam Hussein internet execution is out of the question, and I’m also aware that the Democrats won’t proceed with impeachment this side of the election, fearing a sympathy backlash. But once the election is done, I’d be like the proverbial dog with two tails if Georgie was hauled away in handcuffs, made to do the perp-walk, or otherwise penalized for the enormity of all that he’s done.

The secret word is Criminal


  1. Back in the day, we used to call for a complete pull out of all US troops in Vietnam, after which Nixon and his cabinet should be dropped by parachute over Hanoi and left to their fate. I'd love to see Bush, Cheney, Condi and company dropped into Sadr city. I'm a generous fellow, so I would still include the parachutes.

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Try the bastard for multiple murders.

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    why bush? that sad boob never made a decision in his life.

    don't let the REAL masterminds get away.

    as sir Bill Hicks once said:
    "Anybody can be a president. Any-body! A body of water... a dead body..."

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Incarcerate the whole pack of them!

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    ay ay.

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Nat Hentoff in a couple of recent Village Voice columns did suggest trying Bush et al. as war criminals in a foreign court with universal jurisdiction. OTOH, he backpedalled later and said even with the evidence for such a charge, he found such a trial to be too divisive.
