Tuesday, July 19, 2011


As I watch the live-on-TV squirming of the Murdoch father and son, their sleazy minions, and cops-on-the-pad, (and the pie attack) all I need is snacks.

Click here for Elvis

The secret word is Hope


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    ha ha ha.. Johnny Marbles did a pie attack!

  2. Diamond Jim9:37 AM

    Who knew Murdoch had that kung-fu, Kill-Bill, dragon lady wife?

  3. The return of the pie. Made me pour out a gallon of OJ before I remembered what century this was.
    That will probablly be the worst thing that actually happenes to RM.
    Think the US needs a constitutional ammendemnt requiring manditory death penalties to the the first elvel of corporate managment and the goard of directors in the event of any corporate scandal.

    I bet they will watch their monkey if their own asses are at risk.

    Can you say plausible diniability--sure you can.
