Sunday, May 10, 2009


For some deep and atavistic reason, Sundays, more than any other seventh part of the week, make me think about breakfast. At other times, I have posted images of fried eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, and heaven only knows what else straight from the hot grease. This image is not quite the same thing. I guess I posted it for the aesthetics, as I am most unlikely ever to breakfast on grapes, rice cakes(?), and a glass of milk. But, then again, the young lady is equally unlikely to sit upon my table.

The secret word is Grapefruit


  1. I can see that that lady would enjoy a light breakfast featuring a nice slice of hot toast adequately treated with spread of Marmite and paired up with a mug of steaming hot tea. (Fruit juice optional)

  2. Lefty5:51 AM

    But maybe not black pudding and a fried slice?

  3. i think the probability of this young lady sitting on my kitchen table is a lot higher than me eating grapes for breakfast.

  4. That's a light snack not breakfast.

  5. Breakfast is only good when you've been up all night. Other than that, it’s nothing I've been all too fond of for a while now. I feel a bit awkward and uneasy when I eat too early after waking up.

    Lunch and Dinner, two hefty meals a day with a snack here or there as needed is how I consume the carcasses of other creatures.

    Also, I think those might be either apple slices or mini-bagels the lady has on the plate... but they could very well be rice cakes for all I can actually tell.

  6. Pepsi6:22 PM

    She might sit on your table if you asked her nicely. You never know.

    WV = jectowil

  7. Diamond Jim8:17 PM

    I tried grapes for breakfast once. They tended to explode when I dropped them into the frying pan.

  8. christ i don`t even remember posting that.pretty good & then i realised i`d echoed your last sentance.bugger.hope you`re ok.
