Saturday, February 07, 2009


Revered OG Aeswiren sent over this story from Alternet…

“An October 24, 2008, poll conducted by the Democratic research firm Greenberg-Quinlan-Rosner has Rush Limbaugh enjoying a public-approval rating of just 21 percent among likely voters, while 58 percent have "cold" feelings toward the right-wing radio-talk-show host. Limbaugh's cold rating was higher than that of all the political figures the firm polled. It was seven points higher than Rev. Jeremiah Wright and eight points higher than William Ayers.” Click here for the whole sorry tale.

And he tersely commented…

"Looks like most Americans have had it with Limbaugh and his ditto heads. The angry fat white men are not about to go quietly, however, and Limbaugh has succeeded in turning the Congressional GOP into groveling serfs. Keep licking Rush's boots, GOP Congresspeople! Turn yourselves into a tiny, hated minority party that the rest of us can safely ignore!"

1 comment:

  1. Next time Limbaugh goes for a liposuction session he should get them to do his head.
