Sunday, March 17, 2013


When our long time comrade and running buddy HCB introduced me to THE CREATURE, his purpose was unclear. I didn’t know what was expected of me. What should I do with IT on this weary St. Patrick’s Sunday morn after I had spent long hours in a recording studio with the rest of the Deviants cutting a brilliant new single? Should I deep fry IT in batter, should I feed IT to Finn the cat, or lead IT gently by tentacle to a taxi and thence to a cheap hot-sheet motel and engage in a star slippery-sucker naked-lunch congress (perhaps with live video.) What would Jim Morrison have done? I asked HCB his opinion but HBB was of absolutely no help. He merely questioned the quality of the hotel. I pointed out that the Savoy didn’t take guests with tentacles and I hung up.

Click here for The Misfits

The secret word is Fhtagn 

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