Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Folks have been emailing me wondering if I’m okay because I’ve rather been off the air for a few days. The answer is that I’m okay, if dog tired. The train takes the curve too fast. The planet is exploding. Gas vents. Wolves howl. Government agents know fear. Invertebrates double the medication and I ask myself why I keep on doing this as the band rehearses like a inspired maniacs. I have no answer but I do. It’s rock & roll. And I’ll be doing it this coming Friday at a pub called the Hydrant here in Brighton. Yes, my droogs. The big fabulous full-band warm-up show for Glastonbury is at The Hydrant in Brighton this Friday night and it’s going to be great – and then it’s on the Mists of Avalon (or the rock & roll equivalent.) Details follow as soon as I catch up and eat something.

Click here for some kinda creepy Gene Vincent

The secret words are Last Stand

1 comment:

  1. It's not idle paranoia, well some of it may be, but after the discussion of the catapocalypse we need to be concerned.
    Fin is perfectly capable of exercising some feline jujitsu that could cause you to land on an exposed hip bone and like many an old person before find yourself in a cast with a broken hip. This attack has been perfected for decades on old people with brittle bones to assure the accuracy of the martial arts technique.
    A deceasd neighbor of mine predicted her demise saying shoe would be fine until she was tripped by her cant and broke her hip. And it happened exactly as she predicted. Her cat waited until she was past ninety hoping for the best effect.
    AShe however recovered from the broken hip until nuring home staff, probablly in the employ of the feline conspiracy dropped her during one of her theraputic walks in the hall. the scond hip break was too much for her.
    Now you have a lot of show to do before you are 90, but this is a time for caution.
