Sunday, May 01, 2011


It would seem so. I'm still trying to think through the ramifications.


  1. Nothing will change. Indeed, security theatre & other repressions may worsen, because, we will be informed, now they're really angry w/ us!

  2. I fear you may be right.

  3. Yes, the "be afraid" game will continue.
    Personally, I've thought he has been dead since the massive bombing in Afghanistan at the start of the war.
    Since then he's been chairman Mao--omnipresent but never seen. And those more and more primitive messages--gleaned from old media??

  4. they have always to hunt someone, Saddam -> Ben Laden -> and now Ghaddefi -> ...
    They are tired of running after Ben Laden/Godzilla, now they have Ghaddefi (an eazy hunting and they know were he is).
    and the show will continue again & again & again.

    I dont think that this guy even existed sometimes, he was like a joker card for military to justifiy what they are doing.

  5. I always remember after 9/11 the Media had no word or name for who had done it.Then Bin popped up out of nowhere......He always seemed to me like some mythical cartoon figure....a bit like an Evil Father Christmas .

  6. Where's the long-form death certificate?

  7. Yeah, Mike LOL!
    NO BODY!!! Buried at sea. I think I'm still right. I think he's been dead for years.
    Khourma, Monty Python's Olympic Hide & Seek championships. Aren't we still looking for Hitler? ROFL

  8. No, this was the new Hitler, as was Ghaddafi before him, Kim Jong Il and anyone else we have wanted to vilify broadly. Unlike those dudes--and the original Hitler--this one is now a martyr. Having him dead gives the US an excuse to keep fighting a faceless enemy "inspired" by his death; if he was alive and facing trial in the Hague, that would be inconvenient.

  9. I hate using the term "stupidity", but I'm amazed by the fact that how americans still eat all the science fiction stories and lies that their governements give to them by TV.

    A photoshoped picture of this guy dead then they announced that they throwed him after 10 year of search at the sea :)))

    We are at the 2011 danm it, the age of stupid. and we are supposed to consume every goddamn thing ;)

    I'm wondering who will be the next seriously, they will soon anounced, the world must live always with a monster in the eternal fear.

  10. mrjohn8:46 AM

    it would have been better in theory to have him on trial, but he would have used it as a podium, I'd have been surprised if they had managed to conduct a meaningful trial

  11. Diamond Jim9:11 AM

    Dropping his corpse in the sea seems like a really fucking stupid idea straight out the "How To Start A Conspiracy Theory" handbook.

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Or "Paranoia For Dummies"

  13. Reminds me a whole lot of Emmanuel Goldstein from '1984'. But still, if the wretch lived in the first place, I'm sure glad they nailed the fucker. For one arrogant, totalitarian shite, he had the edge on pretty much all of them. How I loathe these holier than thou merchants - the British establishment, Republicans, Germaine fuckin' Greer, Al Quaeda -

  14. well, the balance sheet is :

    - They married a prince
    - A Pope is beatified
    - The crusades were done
    - We kill our enemies SADDAM, BEN LADEN...

    => Welcome to Middle Age!

  15. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Can i get a witness? Definitely not,Sir! Just imagine him sitting in The Hague and spilling the beans about how the US of A invented, supported and financed Al Qaida in the beginning... Pandora's golden heebie jeebies...

  16. Everybody already knows Bin Laden is our (USofAs) pitt bull gone rabbid. No beans to spill. Just a person who deserves death more than most who will continue to cause evil after he is gone.
