Friday, April 29, 2011


And I also don’t like it. Sean Penn at least ought to know better. As with drugs, the problems of transactional sex are created by illegality and social and religious repression. In an ideal world, the interaction between sex worker and client is no one else’s fucking business, as long as health and privacy basics are observed. On a more personal level, I’ve spent my life hearing twisted and judgmental assholes telling me what “real men” do and don’t do – and then watched them react violently when their supposed machismo was challenged.


  1. I honestly don't know who half of them are in the photos.

  2. I don't know, Mick, I looked at this photo and instantly thought of it as addressing the issue of human trafficking and not prostituion.

  3. some girl11:19 AM

    it is a campaign against child sex slavery, apparently spearheaded by demi moore and ashton kutcher (insert cradle-robbing joke here). which, ok, but could this be interpreted to mean that real men DO buy boys? confusing.

    also, in an ideal world, women wouldn't be the sex class and prostitution wouldn't exist.

  4. Diamond Jim11:53 AM

    Does anyone, even in Hollywood, seriously imagine child sex slave traffickers are going to be detered by actors holding signs?

  5. My take was children too.

    Diamond Jim: Hollywood, Its a cause. Probably at the buyers not traffickers.
