Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Cuban Rebel Girls (also know as Assault Of The Rebel Girls) -- the impenetrable sexploitation saga of a gang of teenage girls out to support Fidel Castro in the overthrow of Batista -- not only rivals any Ed Wood movie as the worst film ever made, but also contains insider footage of the Cuban Revolution. The Wikipedia entry is curt...

“Cuban Rebel Girls is a 1959 film and the last film for Errol Flynn. It co-starred Beverly Aadland, then Flynn’s girlfriend, and was produced and directed by Barry Mahon. Written and narrated by Flynn, who was sympathetic to Fidel Castro at the time, the film is a semi-documentary. It is filmed in black and white with a screen time of 68 minutes. The storyline follows a group of mercenaries helping Castro against Fulgencio Batista.

The films significance lies in that, to save money, Flynn filmed during the actual Cuban revolution and shot some amazing documentary footage. (According to legend, he even encountered Che Guevara in Santa Clara.) Thus Cuban Rebel Girls poses a triple threat with its dire acting and plot, the pathetic spectacle of Errol Flynn coming terminally unglued, and the images of the real world victory over Batista, and for that it should be remembered.

Click here for a clip

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