Sunday, May 09, 2010

SUNDAY BREAKFAST (Capitalism In Action)

Today’s breakfast is symbolic, phallic, and satiric as the cat and I rest up and brace ourselves for a coming week of what may well be continued chaos. The ad campaign is from a nightmare. (Can you imagine the ad agency meetings?) The boy is plainly a nasty little plutocrat bully who thinks he's winning, but the little girl is holding all the bananas.

Click here for the Everly Brothers
Click here for The Who

Lena Horne -- RIP


  1. Speaking of capitalism in action, Chiquita was a brand name for the United Fruit Company, on whose behalf the CIA overthrew the democratically elected President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz, in 1954. Just so little boys could stuff their bananas into the mouths of little girls. There's an analogy here somewhere.

  2. Zenarchist7:05 PM

    Sometime the analogies pile up so fast, you need wings to stay above them.

  3. Pepsi9:04 PM

    That picture is fucking disturbing.

  4. Anonymous1:17 AM

    And the little girl is wearing a red dress.

  5. Everready Betty3:03 PM

  6. I get the impression that they're his bananas and he's paying her with a bite of one for carrying them.

  7. Diamond Jim5:05 PM

    This is just bananas.
