Monday, April 19, 2010


The infinitely valued Valerie brings this to our attention.

“It is early in the morning at the Amitabha Drukpa Nunnery on a hillside just outside Kathmandu and hundreds of devotees are walking clockwise around a golden statue of Buddha. But rather than being immersed in prayer, up on the roof something different is happening - they are practising the same kung fu fighting made famous by the Bruce Lee films of the 1970s. Young Buddhist nuns from the 800-year-old Drukpa Buddhist sect are being taught by their Vietnamese master. The martial art was introduced to the nunnery two years ago and the nuns practise up to two hours a day. Rupa Lama, a 16-year-old nun from India, says kung fu helps her concentrate. "It's good for our health. Meditation is very difficult and if we do kung fu, then afterwards meditation becomes much easier," she says.” (Click here for more)

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