Saturday, March 06, 2010


This is Sean David Morton. By trade he's supposed to be a prophet. Back in the 1990s, I interviewed this guy. If I remember correctly I was doing a cover story for the old LA Reader about Y2K and millennium panic. He made a couple of predictions that didn’t happen, and after that he mailed me newsletters but we had no more contact. The last time I heard tell of him, he was solidly on the 2012 prediction bandwagon. On his website he describes himself thus…

“Sean uses his talents and abilities to predict future occurrences and trends such as earth changes, political events and stock market fluctuations. He has an astounding “hit rate”, or percentage of successes. His extreme accuracy has led radio host Art Bell to call him “America's Prophet! A modern day Nostradamus with more hits than Barry Bonds and the Russian Mafia!” In 1985, tired of the fast paced life in Los Angeles, Sean went on a worldwide spiritual quest, which led him to England and Ireland, where he became involved with the Green Stone saga (one of the stones in the hilt of Excalibur.)” (Click here for more on Morton)

Bill Burroughs used to describe this stuff thus…”It’s all a racket”, and, unfortunately this may be true in Morton’s case. The Wall Street Journal reports…

“NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a civil suit against "America's Prophet" Sean David Morton, alleging he lied about using his psychic expertise in investing more than $6 million from investors. Morton, of Hermosa Beach Calif., solicited individuals over nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, public appearances and newsletters to put money into Delphi Associates Investment Group. He claimed his psychic ability would be used to invest in foreign currencies, the SEC said in a suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. In one newsletter, the SEC quoted Morton as writing "I called ALL the highs and lows of the market, giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years." Attempts to contact Morton were not successful. The $6 million in investments Morton received allegedly were placed in bank accounts for various entities including Vajra Productions LLC, 27 Investments LLC and Magic Eight Ball Inc., the SEC said. The SEC further says those companies, and others that received money, were simply shell companies controlled by Morton and his wife, Melissa.” (Click here for more.)

Click here for The Flying Lizards

Or would you prefer to click here for Led Zeppelin? (for Peromyscus)

Or click here for Barrett Strong

Or you could always click here for The Beatles

The secret word is Grift

1 comment:

  1. Hee! Thanks, Mick. I hadn't heard that before. I'm downloading the show now.

    As a return gift, here's a new recruit for the bear/panda army.
