Friday, February 26, 2010


If anyone had put an image of George W. Bush on a goddamned comdom they would have been lynched. The wrath of Homeland Security or some other savage fed agency would have fallen on them from a great height. You know it and I know it. Okay so maybe we godless pinkos are more free and easy, and we like a good off-color jest, but for an organization called Graphic Armor to print a picture of Barack Obama on rubbers and call it The Stimulus Pack – “to keep you Barock hard, and safe through hard times” – might seem to be pushing a sniggering and maybe racist envelope. (So to speak.) And that’s not even mentioning health concerns about the ink. Do I want the thing taken off the market? Of course not. Let’s just have some Sarah Palin scumbags (to use an archaic term.) Like, a fairness doctrine in safe sex?

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