Saturday, December 12, 2009


The fat fool depicted is Mack Steven who appears the be some cousin-marrying hillbilly cat who has managed to eliminate both taste and shame from his work. Even by the notches on the Bible Belt this idiot is a holy prize. Click here for his classic Downward Road.


  1. Yow, this stuff is extreme. All of his videos are completely freaky! UFOs Masters of the Sky is a trash masterpiece. I was afraid that America had lost it's visionary geniuses. Incredibly great, or at least incredible. Thank you

  2. Hey Jon - I think you're getting Mack mixed up with another Dallas musical genius. Jack Starr! Jack is no longer among the living, but Mack is still going strong. Praise the Lard!

  3. Mack's videos were on You Tube along with several others, all posted by bbguninteractive. I enjoyed all of them. You've got a great blog by the way.

    I sometimes upset my heather friends. I am an occasional practicing Episcopalian. I like going to church singing unsingable English hymns, listening to vague but pleasant liberal sermons and taking communion. My friends keep waiting for me to start handling snakes, drinking gasoline and speaking in tongues. Actually loony Evangelicalism is as foreign to me as it is to them, but I find it interesting and strangely understandable. Doesn't mean I agree with it.

  4. Hey Jon, thanks. I'm no foaming at the mouth atheist either, despite what my blog may indicate. I just got turned onto the TV Preacher Robert Tilton back in the late 80s and came to really appreciate wacky extreme religion. Of course it used to be funnier before the religious nuts completely took over the USA.

    Anyway. I guess the confusion between Jack Starr and Mack Stevens is that both were documented by local Dallas video maker Ben Britt (bbgun). I hear Mack's working on some kind of preaching video series. Haaaaaaahaaaaa!

  5. Hey, Mick, you got it right!
    I may be fat, but the Lord blesses my work-
    micky, we actually met once in a venue you we playing with your pink fairy band- you propositioned me inthe bathroom ( i heard you settled on a little asian guy that eve)
    You are what tyou are, micky, but I can go on a diet. Mack
    see you around.

  6. Mark Haspam8:43 AM

    for Jon (who "was afraid that America had lost it's visionary geniuses")

    meet the man:

  7. the little Asian guy3:16 PM

    Hey Mack, it was really me, Kali, I just like dressing up from time to time. Was talking to the Lord this morning (we all hang out together up here) and nope, he never blessed you, not at all, he cant abide weird homophobes.

  8. some girl10:52 AM

    lol. somehow this exchange has given me the strength to go on. thanks, little asian guy.
