Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Here in Hollywood we don’t say anything bad about Scientology. Too many Hollywood stars on the roll of true believers. Too much sinister real estate over on Hollywood Boulevard just west of Sunset Junction. They are also too solid a part of local occult folklore, what with Hubbard hooked up with Jack Parsons, OTO, the Jet Propulsion Lab, the Process, and even Charlie Manson out on the edge. Even a once and future sci-fi writer, who has wondered now and then if forming a religion might be fun, doesn’t like to quote stuff like this slice from Wikipedia for fear the Thetans might get him.

“Xenu was according to Scientology founder and science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology dogma holds that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm. Members of the Church of Scientology widely deny or try to hide the Xenu story. These events are known within Scientology as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire or the R6 implant. The Xenu story is part of the Church of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology", normally only revealed to members who have already contributed large amounts of money.”

But while we keep quite in LA, the church is being hammered in Australia…

"The Church of Scientology in Australia was last night defending itself from a scathing attack by a politician using parliamentary privilege. In a senate speech late on Tuesday, independent south Australia senator Nick Xenophon said: “Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs.” Mr Xenophon questioned Scientology’s tax exemption status and called for it to be investigated by the police and parliament. The senator tabled letters he received from former Scientology members detailing claims of abuse, false imprisonment, forced abortion, embezzlement and the covering up of children’s deaths." (Click here for more)

And in France…

"In Paris last month, a court fined the French branch of the Church of Scientology €600,000 after finding it guilty of fraud, but stopped short of banning the group from operating in the country. Scientology’s Celebrity Centre and its bookshop in Paris, the two branches of its French operations, were fined €600,000 for preying financially on several followers in the 1990s. The court also handed down suspended prison sentences ranging from 10 months to two years and fines of €5,000 to €30,000 to four leaders of the group in France. France regards Scientology as a cult, not a religion, and had prosecuted individual Scientologists before, but this case marked the first time the organisation as a whole was convicted." (Click here for more)

The Secret word is Clear

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