Tuesday, July 07, 2009


And one symptom of the Speed-Up is way in which all things become possible on the web. Just yesterday, I remarked how, “when I was a kid I used to see a comic strip – I’m damned if I can remember the title – that featured something called a Watchbird that came with the highly forbidding slogan ‘This is a Watchbird watching you!’” In less than twelve hours our pal William Kretschmer directs me to Munro Leaf's Watchbird cartoons. And here is one. Just like it was in the depth of the 20th century. Does anyone wonder that we who grew up with this kind of weird-ass moralizing accepted paranoia and conspiracy agendas as viable options?

The secret word is Mindfuck

1 comment:

  1. Pepsi2:11 AM

    So Farren is the way he is because of infant exposure to Munro Leaf cartoons?
