Saturday, May 16, 2009


Gil Kerlikowske, the new director of the White House Office of Drug Control Policy sat down with The Wall Street Journal for his first interview since his confirmation last week. It was published two days ago. Here’s an excerpt…

“The other part of breaking down the barrier is to completely and forever end the war analogy, the war on drugs. Since I used to stand in front of the helicopter for President Nixon who brought the term in vogue, it's fitting that I'm almost back in the same spot and trying to put an end to the war analogy. Regardless of how you try to explain to people it's a war on drugs, or a war on a product, people see a war as a war on them, a war on individuals and we're not at war with people in this country so I think we need to be more comprehensive. If we're not successful in improving on the addiction rate we have in this country and how we get people treated for drugs and return them back to the streets, it paints a very dark picture in the future, especially with the economy where it is.” (Click here for the whole thing.)

It all seemed like a breath of fresh air until the obvious question came up…

WSJ – Do you support legalization?
Kerlikowske – No. I've never advocated legalization and certainly the president has made it clear that's his position.

And, with that, it all went back to square one.

The secret word is Rebranding
The secret message is 53616d65206f6c6420736f6e672e20

Barbara Birdfeather – RIP


  1. S'never gonna happen, man. Pot's a neuro-stimulant and no authoritarian system is ever about to tolerate that. As long as Marijuana keeps turning out people who Won't Get In Line all you can expect is bullshit promises.
    If anyone can offer a better reason why The Weed is illegal, I'm sure open to hearing it.
    wv is "suppectr"...seems apropos...

  2. Aw c'mon - I know there's PotHeads among us and I'm genuinely interested...why do you think Pot is prohibited by "law"? I've got a Theory but its always good to get input.

    wv is "fradd" Not a good sign.
