As the dreadful Dick Cheney travels the length and breadth of the media, justifying his unique brutality and corporate totalitarianism, he is never asked what he really wants. The general assumption – unless Cheney is trying to promote his way out of an international atrocity trial – is that he wants rewrite history to his advantage. Yet, this idea would seem to be based on that very shaky supposition that Dick Cheney needs to be liked, and we have seen scant evidence of any such need. We do know that – in addition to being America’s Dark Lord of the Sith – he is also a money grubbing oaf, laughing all the way to Halliburton’s Swiss banks, and he might attempting to guarantee himself top dollar on the neocon lecture circuit. Another option might be that making these insane speeches creates at least the illusion that he still wields power.
And illusion – more precisely delusion – may well be the ultimate key to understanding Dick. We all remember the study that revealed how conservatives are more fearful than lefties and have much worse nightmares. Even a cursory examination of Cheney’s record reveals he’s about as delusional as Eric Cartman, and massively more dangerous. We also know he’s ultimately paranoid. He’s the one with the secret bunkers, the hazmat suits, and the man-sized safe in his office. He started out as a Watergate gopher, hand reared by Richard Nixon, and grew more reptilian from there on out. Cheney is not Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity. They’re just media snakes, in it for the Murdoch bucks, spinning black helicopter/FEMA camp shtick for the rabid rubes, but not believing a word of. Cheney, however, is a true believer. He’s also been there and done it.
As rumors spread about how Cheney has a network of loyalists inside the Pentagon and the intelligence community, I begin to wonder if maybe the Cheney dream is one of actually returning to power. Brought back, not by popular demand, but by a military coupe or putsch, which – when coupled with the immortality shots – will enable him to reign forever and ever. Now I’m not saying this is actually going to happen. I’m merely speculating on what might the true nature of Dick Cheney’s dream. On the other hand, though, Dick Cheney once dreamed of having his very own war for fun and profit, and that unfortunately came to pass.
The secret word is Megalomania
The secret message is 53746f702068696d206265666f7265206865206b
I might suggest that Cheney and his ilk have, at this point in history, the primary goal of keeping their type at top of the power structure. Howling folly, to be sure -but its cornered rat time for the elite.
ReplyDelete... is that a dildo in front of his mouth?
ReplyDeleteIt's either a dildo or the microphone's pleased to see him.
ReplyDeleteWV = undisl
At least Spiro Agnew kept it down when he took his turn at being an unpopular vice-president.
ReplyDeleteSo, uh, nobody else finds it at all at least a wee bit suspicious that just about the time that the bloom on Obama's rose is in the first moment of fade, along comes Cheney to remind us all that Obama is the Champion Of Change and the only protection from the evils the past? My set-up detector is waking the neighbours....
ReplyDeleteThis is the theory that politics as we perceive them are merely a scripted charade/soap opera staged to keep us rubes quiet. Pushed to the limit that's The Matrix.
ReplyDeleteAre you really that well organized Agent Smith? Or are we living in a science fiction movie?
Dipped if I know. But which came first - the theory or the fact? And was 'The Matrix' fiction or parable? I don't mess with "reality" - concrete abstractions make my head ache.