Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This is Charlie Crist. He’s the governor of Florida, he has a hot wife, and is maybe the last sane Republican left standing as the Raving Looney Shotgun Hillbilly Jesus Party has their way with the rump of the GOP. Crist has a 66% approval rating in his state, and is now preparing to run for the Senate. He has broken with extreme right orthodoxy on the environment, and how to deal with the economy. To the horror of the Shotgun Hillbillies, he has even appeared with Barack Obama in support of the economic stimulus plan. Taking all this into account, it will be interesting to watch how swiftly he’s destroyed, or maybe forced to become a Democrat.


  1. some girl12:20 PM

    hmm. i hear his "hot wife" is a beard. he's a closet case who opposes gay marriage and approved a FL vanity plate with an image of jesus on the cross, despite complaints about the plate violating the separation of church and state. so obvs he's not above sucking up to the RLSHJP.

    i wouldn't call any of that sane, even for a republican. and if he IS "forced to become a democrat," i hope they tell him to fuck off.

  2. Well I guess that terminates my benign theory. Let's go back to the original premise that they're all dangerous and barking crazy.

  3. Pepsi3:57 PM

    Don't try and be bipatisan, Farren. It doesn't suit you.

    WV = sacrosp

  4. Lefty4:14 PM

    You can't trust a single one of them.

  5. must be a pollster's nightmare:

    Asking a gun-toting, Florida-living, bible-bashing hillbilly, "Do you approve of Crist?"


  6. Further to what some girl said, Mick, you should check out this.

  7. Mick, are you out of your fucking mind? Crist is another yahoo like the rest of 'em. He's done nothing for Florida and I should know, I live there. What makes you think he'll do something for America? Get a grip, man. Stick with your kind, okay?

  8. some girl10:17 AM

    c'mon, folks. clearly the doc was temporarily blinded by CC's hot wife. which is no doubt the intended effect. snort!

    Chris T, great link. pam always has interesting reports. most of what i know about crist i learned from another blogger called (, who often cites/links to pam's house blend (which is how i found her site).

  9. i refuse to judge this man until i`ve seen his wife.

  10. Fascinating. One somewhat uninformed look at a possible Republican moderate and the comment "it will be interesting to watch how swiftly he’s destroyed", and right before my eyes, in just a day an half, he turns into toast.

  11. Anonymous8:08 PM

    He didn't have Oprah's support...
