Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The lesbian fetish porn image posted above is not intended to be enjoyed by the prurient. It’s only provided as a highly accurate graphic representation of how the Raving Looney Shotgun Hillbilly Jesus Party imagines the horrors of socialism. For them it is the worst possible scenario and the repository of all evil. They also believe that the American people totally agree with them – to the point that the Republican National Committee think they can make points by issuing an edict that requires public speakers to call the Dems the “Democratic Socialist Party.”
The weird part is that the American people seem to be going in the totally opposite direction. A recent Rasmussen poll shows – quite amazingly – that “U.S. adults under 30 are approximately evenly divided on the question of socialism-versus-capitalism. According to a telephone poll by 33 per cent of the under-30’s prefer socialism, 37 percent prefer capitalism, and 30 per cent are undecided.”
Just to add to my amazement, back at the White House – supposedly the heart of Marxist darkness under the tyrannical reign of Barack Obama – our President shuns embracing even the mildest of socialist tactics despite the overwhelming evidence that only a revised from of socialism will save this country. (And I use the term “revised” advisedly.) No single payer healthcare, no end to the wars, not even partial nationalization of the banks, no WPA energizing of arts and media, no visible public works programs, and no marijuana legalization. Is this nation becoming too weird to survive?

Click here for the Rasmussen numbers.

The secret word is Starveling
The secret message is 446566696e6974656c7920746f6f207765697264


  1. Diamond Jim1:39 AM

    I totally agree with the secret message.

    WV = actalay

  2. There does seem to be more than a hint of schizophrenia in the current body politic.

  3. The image accompanying the article has shaken my puritanical core!
    An outrageous display of Red domination, of course I will submit to the proletariat at me prurient if you will etc

  4. Personally,I intend to enjoy the image on all its levels. As to the politics, I've never been able to figure what use a government is if it doesn't make the care and comfort of every citizen its prime directive. Somewhere along the line folks seem to have forgotten that when you elect someone, you're hiring a servant, not a master.

  5. By way of afterthought, does anyone else find it at least odd, if not downright suspicious, that when communism collapsed the general reaction was "Well, so much for that." but when capitalism bit the big one its all the king's men running around with chewing gum and duct tape trying to stick it together again. A really paranoid person might draw some deeply sinister implications from that. I know I did.

  6. i don`t know.talking to some `ossies` a few years later they were glad to get some good `ol western capitalism,not have to carry papers & not be under constant surveillance from the authorities.just like here in england.....hang on!
    i do q like the pic by the way,saturday night at our house.

  7. Some of us still dream for the day when a social system evolves that isn't based on economics - or maybe I'm the only one.

  8. Pepsi2:39 PM

    A godless Utopian? Who let you in?

    WV = cotene

  9. Back by request, as t'were, recast as Devil's Advocate or Voice Of Reason or Official Shit Disturber - I'm not quite sure yet. And Uptopian I may be but I got gods out the wazoo - place is full of 'em. Hey, just what is a Utopian, Plato aside and in the popular parlance? Someone who won't settle for "good enough"? Yup - that'd be me.

  10. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Hahaha! I found this post hilarious!

  11. I shall indulge myself, J.E., that you are laughing with me and not at me and say "Thank you."
