Monday, December 08, 2008

“Oh my God! I seem to have given birth to a litter of puppies!”

(And talking of litters, I’m agonizing over adopting a new feline friend. If anyone has a smart, sturdy, ideologically sound, long haired, male kitten, I can offer it a fabulous home. Email )


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I'm so sorry about Newton, Mick (just read it), but hopefully no one on the blog has been thoughtless enough to keep a cat that's not fixed and thus has kittens.

    There are thousands of cats/kittens out there who need your love and care. Go to the humane society and let one choose you. Or take a walk through some back streets and see what follows you home.

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    That's how I meet most of my girlfriends.

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    He's not joking.

  4. I was just gonna say that-adopt a kitty at your local Humane Society,because you might be saving a kitty's life there. I've got 5 so I'm full up of cats,but if I could have more I would,then I'd turn into one of those weird cat people...who's house smells like urine. But I love them kitties. You're not replacing Newton,just saving one of his friends. meow!

  5. I've found that when there have been sad feline vacancies in my life, a kitty somehow appears in need of a home. Last time, about four years ago, after the death of my beloved semi-feral Big Sur black cat Tara, a friend phoned within two weeks saying that she had a new cat for me. After much protesting that it was time for me to travel again, Vietnam was calling sweetly, and the threat that it was me or the SPCA, I relented and said "bring him over".

    So began my friendship with a feral five week old orange fur ball that grew into a huge California barn cat AKA Maine Coon.

    Mick, I must whole heatedly recommend the mighty Maine Coon. They're certainly sturdy, they're very furry and they're at the same time calm and fantastically intelligent while maintaining a proud fierceness that makes them the lions of the small cat world.
