Thursday, July 17, 2008


While he bumbles his way through a presidential campaign, flanked by his Stepford, multi-million, pro-dom wife, John McCain would be tragic in his ineptitude, except that the mainstream media seem prepared to forgive his blatant cluelessness, and to grovel and genuflect before what should laughable because McCain is a supposed war hero, and thus, they tell us, eminently qualified to command the armed forces of the nation. Counterpunch, however, presents a whole new side to the story, claiming that he was a willing collaborator with the communist North Vietnamese. This could be disinformation but I disseminate it anyway, because McCain is a fool we don’t need in power.

“Not content with divulging military information, McCain provided his voice in radio broadcasts used by the North Vietnamese to demoralize American soldiers. Vietnamese radio propagandists made good use out of McCain. On June 4, 1969, a U.S. wire service headlined a story entitled "PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral.” (7) The story reported that McCain collaborated in psywar offensives aimed at American servicemen. "The broadcast was beamed to American servicemen in South Vietnam as a part of a propaganda series attempting to counter charges by U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird that American prisoners are being mistreated in North Vietnam." On one occasion, General Vo Nguyen Giap, the top Vietnamese commander and a nationalist celebrity of the time, personally interviewed McCain. His compliance during this command performance was a moment of affirmation for the Vietnamese. His Vietnamese handlers thereafter used him regularly as prop at meetings with foreign delegations. In the custody of enemy psywar specialists, McCain became what he is today: a professional psywar stooge.” (Click for the whole story)

The secret card is The Queen of Diamonds


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    This is nothing more than leftwing swiftboating, pure and simply.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    But doesn't the boot feel good on the other foot.

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    War hero? Collaborator with the enemy?
    Are you kidding??
    This guy is perfect for the job!!

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Dr Atticus Noyle! Dr Atticus Noyle! Dr Atticus Noyle! Dr Atticus Noyle! Dr Atticus Noyle! Dr Atticus Noyle!

  6. Also, yo, you talk a lot of trash about Gee Dubya, so why nothing on the sewage plant?

    George W. Bush Sewage Plant = on teh ballot!

  7. See the attached article in the UK Independent for some satire on the McCain as War Hero/Obama as Terror Stooge issue:

  8. From the above article: "Most of America will be run by the same people no matter who wins the election – the oil companies, WalMart, Murdoch etc."
    In the build-up to the Iraq invasion, the most visible opponent was a Dixie Chick. All that killing, yet the price of oil still goes up.

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I refuse to believe that we're inevitably doomed lemmings.

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    But we are Blanche, we are.

  11. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "we are the puppet people... put in our tv - it's true!"

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "put IT in our TV" that is. Whatever it may be
