“I’m outta here, but the other guy is long dead.”
This will probably upset a few people, but Fidel Castro, despite his flaws and excesses, was really a boyhood hero of mine. Mainly on account of how he took Cuba with a handful of men from a US/Mob dictatorship and held America at bay for almost half a century despite whatever the CIA could throw at him. (Now hit me with the repression, executions etc.) Of course, Che was the true icon. But Che didn’t live and that’s always an advantage for icons, because then they don’t tarnish or grow old. (And if we’re talking about a Cuban police state, check what’s going on here at home. Sent by Peromycus)
The secret words are Sierra Maestra
This will probably upset a few people, but Fidel Castro, despite his flaws and excesses, was really a boyhood hero of mine. Mainly on account of how he took Cuba with a handful of men from a US/Mob dictatorship and held America at bay for almost half a century despite whatever the CIA could throw at him. (Now hit me with the repression, executions etc.) Of course, Che was the true icon. But Che didn’t live and that’s always an advantage for icons, because then they don’t tarnish or grow old. (And if we’re talking about a Cuban police state, check what’s going on here at home. Sent by Peromycus)
The secret words are Sierra Maestra
I hope I live to piss on as many graves as Fidel.