Friday, February 15, 2008



As the US prepares to shoot down the 10-ton spy satellite that was launched in December 2006 but didn’t properly deploy and has been slowly falling back to Earth ever since, totally out of human control, the official story is the shoot-down (no Dick Cheney jokes) is needed because it choc fill o’ highly toxic hydrazine rocket fuel. Suggestions have also been made that the military want to blow up the system to avoid the possibility of sensitive equipment landing on enemy soil. (Enemy?) While the even more cynical have suggested that it’s demonstration to China, who recently used a surface-to-space missile to shoot down a satellite in orbit, that the US also has orbital warfare capabilities. When questioned about this the Pentagon responded with all the injured innocence of a ten year-old caught with a BB gun and a broken window. “Who? What? Us? How could you think such a thing? That would be the militarisation of space, and we’d never do that.

The secret words are Doom Beam


  1. Militarisation indeed... UFO hacker Gary McKinnon spoke of seeing ship names and "non-terrestrial" officers... not aliens... Astrophotographer John Lenard Walson has so far filmed over 100 of these craft... what else could they be but military? No one else has the resources of vast reserves of black ops cash to pull it off... see them here... they're also on YouTube.

  2. I just spent part of the weekend on the edge of Edwards AFB in Boron. What a bizarre, creepy and ultimately fascinating place. Of course those people are shooting all kinds of shit out of the sky. I was spending the weekend with my ex brother-in-law. He's a childhood friend of Captain Beefheart and still best friends with John, Drumbo, French, from the Magic Band. His Dad once told me that he was a civilian employee at Area 51, "But I can't talk about that, Heh Heh Heh..." I also heard a really bizarre story about a local Mexican restaurant that has heavy connections to the Mexican Mafia. But that's another story. Is it any coincidence that Beefheart grew up in that midst of all of that high desert weird shit? I think not. Who was the famous Air Force General who said, "The peaceful use of space? What a load of crap." This is not a quiz. I can't remember.

  3. Plus we're not about to turn down the opportunity to blow some shit up, now are we?'s the Atomic Boogie Hour!

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Shit do blow up really good.
