Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Whatever the anonymous commenting trolls might make of it, my posting of the above (from Elizabeth) does not mean I have absolutely anything against Barack Obama -- quite the reverse, in fact -- or (within reason) Ted Kennedy. Neither does it referrer to the endlessly labyrinthine monkey puzzle that is the US electoral system,and the media that follows it like cawing seagulls behind the plough. It’s just a bad that I could not resist. Remember bad political jokes? Shit, we’ve been ruled by one for over seven years.

The secret word is Geddit?

And, if your brains is as spongy as mine, try this left brain/right brain test Munz sent along with yesterday’s stuff. After some concentration, I managed to do it, which pleased me doubly in that I had not only could work the left/right switch, but that I had a brain left at all. (Check it out)

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