Wednesday, October 10, 2007


And from the War on Creationism let's move swiftly on to Lego. (As a child, I loathed Lego, but this really redeems it.) Some might say this Lego model of Stephen Hawking is inexcusably tasteless, but I figure Hawking would dig it. He has been on The Simpsons, and managed to have an affair with his nurse while as immobile as Davros*. Also, at Doc40, tasteless is our business. And while we’re still in Legoland, here's Eddie Izzard’s Death Star Canteen and Cake or Death with Lego animation. (Thanks Noudela)

* just ask.


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    So who the fuck is Davros?

  2. Anonymous3:12 AM

    tut! Davros is the leader of the Daleks.

    PS. I made the Legion of SuperHeroes out of my Lego when I was a kid. Yes, all of them. We didn't have stop-motion digital video cameras back then. In fact, Lego didn't even make little figures ~ you had to crudely make them yourself and use something called imagination.

    I suppose only someone who has done that would know who Davros was.

    -- the anon cynical geek returns.

  3. Amid the heavy reading of Niven, Bradbury and (yes, I admit it) Herbert, I played with Legos. My folks—wretched and and yet no less love—lament to this day not so much my fits over the the way the two-, four-, six- and eight-titted bricks that prompted me to have fits for the way they failed to fit into the ways I wanted, but the way I figured out how to re-format the little piece of dastardly plastic with my Da's acetylene torch with which he shaped his race cars.
    If I had all the unimaginative and ridiculously single-pegged bits that allow kids a grievous mental rest even in play, these days, well, I would not have been able to make it past the first comma. . .
