Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Twice in the last 24 hours I have encountered a cat with a machine gun. It could just be coincidence, but too many people have told me there are no coincidences in this life, so I wonder if we should take all this a little seriously. Are felines arming themselves with automatic weapons? And, if so, why and against whom? I’d also wonder how they were getting them, except I’m well aware, after decades of strife in the Middle East, Central America, and the former Yugoslavia, you can pick up an Uzi or AK47 dirt cheap from any Tom, Sergei, or Achmed. Just be vigilant if your calico companion starts getting long narrow packages from UPS and claims they're curtain rods.

See the Cat With The Golden Gun in motion.

The secret word is Thompson
Marcel Marceau -- RIP (ssssh)


  1. I don't know what kind of gun that gray kitty is supposed to be using, but snipers don't assassinate people perched at windows with machine guns. They use rifles.

    Nice pictures though.

  2. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Kittens can be damned ingenious, and the world has come a ways since Lee Oswald and the guys on the Grassy Knoll.

  3. Anonymous3:21 AM

    The kitten might not be sniping. He could have a bunch of Blackwater operatives pinned down in the square below.

  4. Anonymous3:22 AM

    You people are discussing a picture of a cat with a gun like it was real. Are you insane?

  5. Anonymous3:23 AM


  6. Rootin' for the kitten...

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    That kitten looks like it got a hold of some beer or something!

  8. Anonymous7:09 PM

    well the grey kitty is using a military spec RIFLE - so he is well set up to be a sniper - plus machine guns dont have scopes....

  9. austin7:38 AM

    that is funny
    that every body has to see this is how you get there you go to google and type in kittens and guns and then click on kittens and machine guns
