Thursday, May 31, 2007


"The female cheetahs that prowl the Serengeti in Tanzania appear to live up to their name, scientists have shown. DNA analysis of the spotted cats found that they were serial cheaters, with nearly half of their litters made up of cubs from different fathers. Writing in Proceedings of the Royal Society, the scientists say the infidelity may expose them to disease. However, it could also ensure the genetic diversity of the endangered species, the researchers hypothesise." For more… (This was a BBC furry critter story sent by Valerie.)

NOT SO FURRY is the media column I have in this week’s LA CityBeat about vanishing attention span and a brand-new, dumbed-down corporate innovation they call the “minisode”

CRYPTIQUEThe boa constrictor finished up working for a stripper.


  1. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Most boa constrictors want to work for strippers.

  2. Monty, do you think I would be working here if I could afford a real snake?

    BTW: The minisode people clearly aren't trying. The "[Movie Name] Told by Bunnies in 30 Seconds Theater" people can put all the plot twists of Alien, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2, and a dozen other major movies into 30 second stories. Told by bunnies. At

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Monty, do you think I'd be working here if I could afford a real stripper?
