Monday, April 23, 2007


Someone sent me this during all of last week's freaking out, but I’m damned if I can remember who it was and I forgot to make a note, but please email or leave a comment and I will credit accordingly…

"People will lose their homes and most of their “investment income” as business’s collapse, both because they can’t find enough customers, and the fact it costs way too much for the sheeple to travel from their McMansions in their SUV’s to their “discretionary spending” based jobs. Once the house of cards called the American economy starts to collapse, the federal debt is gonna prevent Uncle Sam from stepping in like Roosevelt did in the first economic meltdown we had. Banks and finance companies will first try to collect on the debt they loaned out, but they will collapse as they receive properties they can’t sell to cover their costs and as the financial system stalls, even formery ’safe” jobs will start to feel the pinch, government workers will face lay off as local and state governments go into debt with rapidly shrinking tax bases. As the local then state governments become insolvement, the social programs and public safety programs will grind to a halt, which will force the federal government to declare martial law. Hence the Patriot act, Halliburton build prisons for Homeland security, changes in “Habeas Corpus”, and the “posse comitas” act to empower whoever sits in Bush’s chair, has the power to control a rapidly disintragating situation. Welcome to the future as we will see it."

The secret word is Disintegration


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Don't you mean 'Disintragation' ?

  2. Shit, Could you jolly it up a bit. I'm five years from a pension from my government job. Let's bring back denial, Republican style. Just a thought.

  3. Anonymous1:00 AM

    How about denial Johnny Thunders style?

  4. Anonymous1:02 AM

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  5. Anonymous1:05 AM

    How about denial Betty Davis style? (Hands in her back pockets.)

  6. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I am the Queen of Denial.

  7. This is hardly a good start for an uprising, my droogs.

  8. Anonymous2:53 AM

    "Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the blog administrator. "

    Fuck me, we'll be burning books next.

    But there again, perhaps a nice bonfire of Jeffrey Archers and Tom Clancys could actually be a positive thing....

    Love the Robert Crumb cartoon. I know it is the next Blog entry, not this one, and therefore either I'm slow on my comments or have incredible foresight of what is about to come.....but there again, can you have foresight of what has already been, shit this is getting a bit confusing. Pass the Jack Daniels.

  9. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Perception will be managed.
