Monday, March 05, 2007


Ann Coulter addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington: "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot’."

Last Wednesday I broke a silent vow I had made a few months earlier that I would never mention Ann Coulter’s name in print again. As one TV head put it earlier today – “the woman needs constant publicity like a tapeworm needs a large intestine in which to live.” I was of so much the same opinion that I decided simply to declare her a non-person and get on with my life and style. But then she pissed me off with her “global warming is a fabrication of the liberal elite” and I slipped and slapped at her in passing. Which was a mistake. The only way to eliminate the bitch – short of gasoline-fueled auto-da-fe -- is totally to ignore her. Especially now her shtick seems have been rendered down to just-plain-evil fag baiting, like she was Julius Streicher in drag. Thus I will attempt never again to acknowledge her existence unless she is actually in my cross hairs. (And I do wish some of my "progressive" comrades would knock off this "is Coulter a man?" shit. I frankly find it as homophobic as her own nonsense.

The above picture is not Ann Coulter. It is Natasha Queen of Swords, a woman who practices a useful, historic, and honorable profession. (Thanks Valerie)

CRYPTIQUEChasing a toaster through a hurricane.

The secret word is Vomit


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    and then you'll shoot her with your non-functioning raygun?

    i suppose it's funny, in a way, that you refer to her behaving as though she's julius streicher in drag and then take to task your "progressive" comrades for their ann-is-a-man shtick. there's a fine line of difference, perhaps, but it's pretty damn fine.

    here's a radical idea! leave gender out of it and just say she's acting like a fucking nazi already.

  2. "But my lines are well know for being fine." He said disingenuously.

    Seriously, though, what would I do without you who keep me honest?

  3. I would actually have more respect for Ann Coulter if she WAS a she-male...
