Saturday, December 30, 2006

1) While being aware that Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering shithead, I must confess that a part of me found the cable TV deathwatch, the jubilation and all the other trappings both distasteful and embarrassing. We are supposed to be civilized and therefore operate on a higher level than mass murdering shitheads, no?
2) Of course, SH would have made it a lot easier had he shot himself like Hitler or even gone down in a hail of bullets like his sons, but no. He tried to survive and failed. But isn't there some old time honor system whereby his rank alone should have afforded him at least a firing squad complete, with cigarette and blindfold?
3) But now it seems that hanging has established as the current penalty are we to assume it applies to our own mass-murdering shitheads in the USA?
4)And one final query? How soon will the execution be up on YouTube?
The secret word is Hemp
CRYPTIQUE -- I'm helping clockwork Santas drown themselves.

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