Thursday, August 10, 2006

A couple of weeks ago interviewed Gore Vidal -- one of my heroes -- and here’s the teaser...

"[Bush and his cronies] are all sissies. Remember that," he says. "These are people who’ve never been in an army. The men behind the war in Iraq are cowards who did not fight in Vietnam. They’ve run away like the president, who I refer to as the Yellow Rose of Texas. They’re weak little people with an agenda – which is: ‘We’ve gotta show our muscle around the world. Running out of oil? We’ll take it. Show how tough we are. We’re macho.’ And we’re also dumbo, and that is the problem."

For the whole deal...

I also managed a demented deliberation on TV commercials...


  1. It's time to retire the chickenhawk attack because it's based on the false premise that veterans of comabt are more inclined to oppose foreign intervention than "sissies" who avoided combat-a category that also includes people like Bill Clinton, not just the members of the current administration. McCain and Check Hegel, for example, are two veterans who vigorously supported the war in Iraq, Hegel only recently withdrawing support. Kerry and Murtha voted for the war and supported it until recently.

  2. Mr. Farren,
    I had hoped to post a comment regarding last week's col in CityBeat, "Welcome to AdWorld," but I still fail to understand the perpetually shifting ways of blogs, Web sites and whatnot.
    In any case, I was surprised to see that you have one one of your sites a review quoted from Angry Thoreauan MagaZine. It were a pleasant surprise.
    But on to brass tacks.
    I am recently returned from New York City, after nearly five years, and while there I watched as the chages rolled violently through New York Press, then the Voice and now, by way of one of the recently hired top hammers at the Voice, the Weekly. (The big black boxes in the classifieds section made it easy to infer the coming changes that have come to be a foregone conclusion.)
    I have also watched as the Weekly has gone Hollywood in a horrible fashion, and I am curious if you meant to imply that the front page of it was to be sold as subtle advertising—i.e., the Singer and Stone covers—or if the worse is yet to come?
    Randall the ex-Rev.

  3. Oh, I might add that I nearly never check into the aging blog by which I am logged in. (It took me damn near four minutes just to figure out HOW to log in through teh My Wretched Roomie blogspot, a time which I imagine is an eternity in cyberspace.) As such I can be best reached at, providing there is such an interest on your behalf.
    Randall (ex-Tin-ear)
