Sunday, June 18, 2006

A puff piece on Barak Obama in this morning’s Washington Post is the kind of flurry that marks someone considering a run for President. I sure hope he is, because by 2008 things could be so fucked up he might be the only one with enough smarts to begin digging us out of a hell of our own creating. Pundits accuse him of being too young, but, in fact, by my arithmetic, he’s actually a year or so older than JFK when he took office.
For the story...


  1. While I admit he has plenty of charisma and is a very intelligent man, he hasn't done anything during his term in the legislature except for hosting fundraisers, giving speeches full of clever sound bites and retelling his personal story of triumph over and over, ad naseum (he's already written an autobiography).

    I want someone in office that has a respectable record of lawmaking and voting for those issues that are right and just. I don't need a Ken doll in office unless Mr. Obama proves me wrong and starts doing something (anything!) that will let us know what he's really all about.

    But who else do we (those of us not voiting Republican) have for 2008? It's slim pickings out there.

  2. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Isn't intelligence alone a quantum advance?
