Thursday, May 18, 2006

Like we say in the writing game, it's deadline or breadline.

Just as I was getting back into the swing of near-daily blogging, the need to work excessively hard blindsided me. Clearly our current system of government by total implausibility is causing me alternate amusement and vexation, sometimes both in the same hour, but I also seem to be attempting write my way out of emotional trauma – with some debate about whether this is healthy – and, need I say, I also need the money, since tragedy in America, like everything else, is exceedingly costly. Thus all I really have to offer today – except excuses for all the unanswered email – is new piece in LA CityBeat on the mythological downfall of the both FEMA and the CIA -- more on Dusty Foggo. (Oh yeah, and someone from NORML says really nice things about me on the letters page.)

Fortunately aeswiren has sent a link to a fascinating piece on drug fatalities. While kinda academic and focusing mainly on ecstacy and speed, if you scroll down, it does show some fascinating actuarial tables that indicate the smoking marijuana is about a dangerous as playing Monopoly, but the risk of LSD is the same as falling out of bed.

And our pal hipspinster has a new blog about a visit to Doc’s house and the healing power of punk.

And for those who like this sort of thing, here’s a bunch of theorizing on prehistoric nuclear warfare.

And since a whole bunch of new readers seem to have arrived from a site called Freepint, who also say nice things about me, I feel duty bound to return the favor. (I mean, where I come from, a free pint's a free pint. (

The secret word Traction

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