Saturday, March 04, 2006

My true fine novel Kindling is now out in paperback so hie thee to the bookstore or Amazon of thy choice and pick-up a copy. And pay for it! I need the money.

CRYPTIQUEKilts are not pants.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    This seemed like as appropriate a place to speak up as any other.

    I finished reading Kindling within three days of receiving my copy from, and I enjoyed it enormously. I've been reading your fiction since about 1987 or so, and have all of your work except for The Feelies and Protectorate, which I have never been able to score second hand. I also enjoyed your Renquist books, despite my deep disdain for 99% of vampire fiction (and 99% of people who love reading vampire fiction!).

    I'm not normally one to write to authors, but your work is tremendous, and you are one of the few authors whose writing I will read and reread over and over again. Before Kindling, I had just finished Jim Morrison's Adventures in the Afterlife for the second time, and I regularly reccomend it to the literati that I know as straight-up fiction. All who have taken me up on it have enjoyed it immensely.

    Anyway, love your work, and in a perfect world, I would love to see a sequel to Necrom, so I could find out what happens next to poor old Joe Gibson.
