Saturday, January 28, 2006

The above is the third time I’ve used the same caption, and I started wondering if maybe I was overworking it. I was still highly amused by my own visual riffing, but maybe I was also smoking too much dope. Then I heard how, during one of her overpaid speaking gigs, Ann Coulter had told a Philander Smith College audience that more conservative justices were needed on the Supreme Court to change the current law on abortion. "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee." (Stevens being one of the court's most liberal members.) I’m sure if I’d made such a remark, I’d probably have the FBI, all over my ass – just like when, back in the day, they busted Groucho Marx after describing Nixon as "the only dope worth shooting" – but our Annie seems exempt. Later in the lecture she stated that the crack cocaine problem ‘has pretty much gone away." To which I can only respond, "The problem’s gone away, darling? What happened? Did you cop some crank?"

The secret word is Skeletal

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