Saturday, October 29, 2005

To paraphrase an old lawyer joke...Q: What’s the indictment of one Bush henchman? A: A good start.

MrMR (who knows a thing or two about conspiracies) comments (reminding me that, before Bush can be removed, Cheney has to be unseated, or the result would be to aweful to contemplate)...Gordon Liddy went to jail for more than five years to cover his puppet masters, Mayhap the weight of facing thirty years at the hands of what appears to be a serious prosecutor, might in fact loosen libby's tongue, and rekindle his co-conspiratorial memories of Rove and Cheney , whom he is currently falling on the sword for.

And Ed B. forwards a link to an analysis of how Bush may fair as the pressure mounts, which, although kinda heavy on the 12 step philosophy (remember that 13 steps lead to the gallows) does contain a further link to an hilarious vid-clip of the future POTUS drunk at a wedding.

Yesterday I asked what the fuck is a sleestack, and, at Doc40, one gets answers. Some girl sent the short form and a link...
A sleestack is one of the green-skinned, bug-eyed, vaguely reptilian bipeds that menaced the castaway-in-time humans in the classic saturday-morning live-action '70s show "land of the lost."

While MrMR (again) who knows a thing or two about the deeply weird sends full chapter and verse...
Sleestak are large green humanoids with both reptilian and insectoid features; they have scaly skin with frills around the neck, bulbous unblinking eyes, pincer-like hands, stubby tails, and a single blunt horn on top of the head. Sleestak are more sophisticated than Pakuni, able to manufacture crossbows, rope, nets, periscopes ("Fair Trade") and other relatively advanced technologies. They were once significantly more developed, however; Sleestak are the degenerate descendants of the Altrusians (see below). The Sleestak have a current population of about 7,000 according to the Library of Skulls ("The Longest Day"), but there were only three Sleestak costumes available for the show's production, which sometimes required creative editing to create the illusion that they were that numerous.
Sleestak live in the Lost City, an underground tunnel complex originally constructed by the Altrusians. They hate bright light and rarely venture out during the day. Sleestak also have a "hibernation season" during which they cocoon themselves into rocky alcoves using some sort of webbing; cool air keeps them in hibernation, and the heat from lava in a pool that the character Peter Koenig (see below) dubbed "Devil's Cauldron" inside the caverns of the Lost City revives them again on a regular schedule (the episode "Follow That Dinosaur"). The Sleestak are very defensive of the Lost City. They know that their ancestors built it, but do not know how or why. They have occasionally tried exploring beyond the chasm that separates the Lost City from the rest of the Land, but their expeditions generally never return and they consider the City to be their only refuge.
The Sleestak have encountered many other humans who have become trapped in the Land of the Lost before the Marshalls arrived, and regard humans as a terrible threat; they attempt to capture and sacrifice humans to their god at every opportunity.
Altrusian moths are required for fertilization of Sleestak eggs, and the Sleestak hunt them when they emerge during the night ("The Longest Day"). In "Blackout," the Sleestak scheme to cause perpetual night by disabling a second clock pylon, allowing them to capture the Altrusian moths. The Sleestak planned to devour these, which would in one thousand hours yield a thousand Sleestak, which could then resume control over the Land of the Lost. Unfortunately, the cold of the long night also began killing the moths.
Sleestak eggs are gestated in a communal hatchery. The Sleestak capture live animals and tie them up there, leaving them for the young to feed on when they hatch ("Fair Trade"). Occasionally, a Sleestak will be hatched that is a "throwback" to their Altrusian ancestors, being born with greater intelligence and with an innate knowledge of Altrusian history and technology—though not, for some reason, knowledge of Pylon operation. The other Sleestak regard these throwbacks as a threat, and so they are also sacrificed to the Sleestak god when detected. One such throwback named S'latch was encountered by the Marshalls in the episode "The Hole", but S'latch was never seen again thereafter.
The Sleestak have a Sleestak Council and Sleestak Leader. The Leader wears a distinctive pendant, and Enik occassionally negotiates with him, as in the episode "Fair Trade".

HCB forwards some very funny graphics...

The secret word is Notwithstanding

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