Thursday, September 08, 2005

For a long time I have wished people would stop using the word conservative when they mean neo-Nazi psychopaths. The lethal debacle on the Gulf Coast does, however, seem to be separating the sheep from the gauleiters. The Katrina deathtoll has even moved the pitbull Robert Novak to question Bush competence in today’s edition of his syndicated column...

"The common complaint is that the president has let the lawyers take over. Chertoff, a former federal judge and assistant attorney general, is a quintessential lawyer who has surrounded himself at Homeland Security with more lawyers. Michael D. Brown, who as head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is Chertoff's subordinate, is also a lawyer. Neither Chertoff nor Brown was experienced in politics or large-scale management before joining the Bush administration."

Unfortunately Novak doesn’t go on to say the Bush seems fucking incapable of appointing any public officials except by the criteria of graft, cronyism, and deliberate incompetence when put in charge of stuff the necons don’t like – as in FEMA and anything to do with peace or poor people. But it is major turnround. Out on the fringes, though, it’s rabid storm trooping as usual like this clip sent over by some girl by some character called Michael Calderon at David Horowitz's Frontpage Magazine. I guess this is what passes for humor among fascists...

"Expect heavily armed and infuriated conservatives to launch a cleansing war against the traitors. The armed will mow down the mostly unarmed segments, especially those elements that devoted 40-plus years to anti-American hatred to destroy this country. Should the likes of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, Dennis Raimondo [sic], et al. act out their sedition ... expect their bodies to be found shot full of holes ... Leftist professors will be strung up. It will be every man, woman, and child for themselves."

The secret word is Heil

Dear Bob,
What is this shit, man? I went along the Victoria’s Secret TV commercial because I’m a guy and I understand. And I’ve stood up for the pencil moustache when friends said it made you look like a Jivaro shrunken head of Vincent Price, and I really did enjoy Masked and Anonymous, but, fuck it, did you have to sell The Times They Are A’Changing to Kaiser Permanente – a fucking HMO, and the reason why, in America, you stay healthy or die? Do I really have to come over and piss on your grave after I’m through with Mick & Pete.
As always,

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