Saturday, September 25, 2004

I adore the way Maureen Dowd tilts her head to one side...

A press releases that the Texas Air National Guard sent to Houston newspapers in 1970 about young Bush, then a second lieutenant and new pilot. "George Bush is one member of the younger generation who doesn't get his kicks from pot or hashish or speed," the news release said. "Oh, he gets high, all right, but not from narcotics." (Thanks to Mr. MR for this and Tom Joad, – see below.)

Politics used to be fun. Especially in Texas where zany, God-fearing politicians really knew how to "get down." That was back when you could destory an opponent without really hurting him -- tell lies so unbelievable and outlandish that giggling voters flock to the polls to vote for you just because you're so dadgumed creative. In his heyday, nobody was better at gettin' down politically than Lone Star Lyndon. In 1948, after 11 years in the House of Representatives where he proved to be a formidable, power-hungry campaigner, LBJ hit fellow Democrat and popular former Texas governor Coke Stevenson with everything he had as they squared off for a run at the Senate. Legend has it Johnson told one of his aides -- "Go out there and tell 'em Coke was caught having sex with a farm animal."
"But, Lyndon," the aide protested, "you know that's not true!"
"Of course it's not true!" Johnson responded impatiently. "That's not the point. Tell it anyway -- and make him deny it
..." – Sheila Samples, Information Clearing House

QUOTE OF THE DAY -- "I'm so pleased with my gender. We're not that bright." – Ann Coulter

("It’s a stupid country." – Johnny Depp)

CRYPTIQUEI talk to people in bars.

Morphine occurs naturally in the human brain.,1286,65053,00.html

Sim-sex update,1284,65064,00.html

GOP admit mailing campaign literature saying liberals will ban the Bible

The Man Who Shot Che Guevara

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