If indeed anyone is really reading this, I wonder how much I really need or want to reveal about my day to day doings in the immediate world. This is partly because I find it hard to imagine why anyone should be interested in my habits, aliments, problems, deprivations, desires, needs, or complaints. Although it does seem to work for others. Since I fell into the weblogging habit, I’ve looked around some and discovered folks out there in the ether who want to chronicle everything from their shopping to their sex lives. I’ve glanced into he minds of potential teen suicides and a great many young women complaining about the deficiencies of their peers and boyfriends. I even found some male who appeared to be writing in a heavy metal glossolalia of his own devising. He was sufficiently weird that I considered a link, but then decided that he was better left alone. It could be embarrassing if I hooked him up with you all and then he blew up his high school. I guess that’s why I avoid the personal trivia. Fear of public embarrassment.
Thus, all I have to report today is that, over on the Funtopia site, the lastest episode of the weird-fiction serial Slide On The Run has just been posted. Hit homepage on the right >>>>> and then following the flashing links.
Oh yeah, and tomorrow is Elvis' birthday.
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