I’ve heard a great deal of gloom recently – relayed in no small part by the alternative press, who should know better – about how the Republicans and the loathsome GWB will prove unbeatable in the 2004 elections. The cries of woe echo all round me. “Redistricting” they cry. “The Diebold touchscreen voting machines are fixed.” In fact, all in all, too many comrades are seem in deep despair. Katherine Seelye in the Weekly Standard informs me that, due to population shifts, “Democrats know that white men in rural parts of states like Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin — all of which went for Mr. Gore are increasingly voting Republican, largely because of issues like President Bill Clinton's personal behavior and recent court rulings on gay rights. As a Democratic strategist said, "Older white Americans moved away from us on impeachment and guns, and now same-sex marriage is a killer."
All I can snarl in response is give me a fucking break, and ask what we are supposed to do about it? Distance ourselves from longtime queer allies to accommodate dumb white guys and rural loons, who want only to be armed to the teeth, and quake at some imaginary biblical horror that they can’t even fully grasp, and is none of their business anyway? Oh please. This is pure defeatism. And why bother making any adjustments, anyway, if the fix is already in?
To attend to any of this, and to be panicked into embracing Republican principles (if you can find one) or neo-con Newspeak and tactics, is to sell out before the auction has even commenced. There are worse things than losing an election. We can always return to the mattresses of bohemian anarchy, and then turn really ugly. Never forget that, at any given time, by his or her very nature, the fascist is more desperately frightened than you are. (Just have tea with Ann Coulter.)
In the meantime, the election is not lost. We have ten months to continue hammering at the great vulnerability. The President of the United States (POTUS) is an idiotic, half-formed nonentity who will bungle anything close to nuclear backed confrontation or global crisis, because he smugly believes he can lie his way out of anything. See how much the dumb white guys worry about gay marriage when they’re glowing in the dark, or when the insane weather patterns of threshold global warming have turned Kansas and Nebraska into a goddamned desert.
A believe Sun Tsu had a whole lot to say about the demoralizing of the enemy before any army is even deployed. I would also refer you to the words of ol’ Noam, below...
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