Thursday, May 02, 2013


These are wolves. I am inordinately fond of wolves. They are socialized, and organised. The stories of them attacking humans are largely superstitious nonsense. The agri-industry want to exterminate them because farmers believe they threaten profits by carrying off a small percentage of livestock. Others, like a former governor of Alaska and VP candidate, just to kill them for fun and to make themselves feel good and powerful. There is a thriving tourist industry that takes punters up in a helicopter to slaughter wolves with AR15s. Napalm is too good for these bastards. 

Click here to help

Click here for Howling Wolf (sorry about the bad pun)

The secret word is Cruelty

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


It’s Mayday, and I can’t help but think about all the revolutions lost and won, the victories and defeats. The battle goes on forever against the forces of greed, repression, and cruelty. From Spartacus to Watt Tyler, from the Levellers to the Black Panthers, Danton to Angela Davis, Che to Rosa Luxembourg – the struggle is never over. But we cannot and must not lose  loose heart. We cannot give it up to corporate totalitarianism, that may starve us all and render our planet uninhabitable. I know I’m nearing the end of my span, but I swear I will not (as BM exhorted) give up the fight.

I gotta confess, Doc40 has been a little neglected of late. The Deviants played a live show last and I also wrote retrospective on poor dear Viv Stanshall. Most of the action has been on the instant gratification of Facebook, but here, to make amends…

Click here for rare Bob

The secret word is Upward     

(Image from Lady S)


Owsley Frozdick should not have been allowed to drive.


Yes my friends, it’s an ebook of my first novel for just two quid. Get ‘em while they’re hot.
Click here to learn all.