Friday, March 30, 2012


Does it really get worse by the minute?

"A just released report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that children diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) had a skyrocketing increase of 78% compared to results from a decade ago. The CDC report shows that one in 88 children are now diagnosed with the disorder. Environmental Working Group (EWG) notes that "a burgeoning body of independent scientific research suggests that one factor that may be in play is environmental exposure to neurotoxins, most notably mercury," and sees the staggering figures as a call for governmental action to minimize children's exposure to toxic chemicals, especially coal plant caused mercury exposure. “Upending the federal government’s approach to regulating toxic chemicals and putting tough emissions standards in place at power plants are two good places to start,” said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook." Click here for more.

Click here for Graham Parker

The secret word is Stop


"Sometimes you take the picture and sometimes the picture takes you."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


And this doesn’t only apply to the USA. It’s become the foul philosophy of final stage, austerity capitalism all across the developed world. You may be the next to have your country cut out from under you.

Click here for MC5

The secret word is Mendacity

Monday, March 26, 2012


I read the news (oh boy) and it told how Dick Cheney, the former US vice-president who was a driving force in George W Bush's war on terror and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, was recovering in hospital after undergoing a heart transplant.” I immediately wondered what they did with the old heart. I still recall all too clearly the rumours of the door to a man-sized safe in Cheney’s VP office that was alleged to disguise a direct portal to some post-Lovecraft hell of Ancient Horror to which Cheney had a direct line and received his instructions as George Bush’s diabolic puppet master. In fact, I recall it all so clearly that I am morbidly concerned in no small measure as to what has happened to the old heart. The damn thing should have at the very least had an iron stake driven through it and then been incinerated to a crisp. Only when the ashes were finally sealed in a lead-lined concrete container would I be happy. Like the One Ring of Sauron, the Heart of Dick Cheney should not be loose in the world to work its iniquity.       

Click here for the Rolling Stones

The secret word is Precious 


A video clip of The Deviants playing the ancient tune Billy The Monster at The Borderline last Friday is already up on YouTube. Click here to viddy well, my droogs.

And click here for a cover of the same tune by a band called The Romulans    

Sunday, March 25, 2012


There are those mornings when the best idea might seem to be drop a couple of reds and go back to bed. However, my friends, this is not one of them. Right now, as I write this, I’m listening to an MP3 recording of the show we played last Friday to a packed house at The Borderline. And you know what? It sounds pretty damn good. We have to do a lot more of this kind of thing, and if you the want The Deviants in a classy rock & roll niterie near you please pass the word. I may be something of a physical ruin but we still seem to be able to raise some anarchic ruckus. As one dear friend put it – “what a great voice you've got, where does it come from, you look as though you can't breathe, and then this powerhouse breaks loose?” (And, even if I did want to go back to bed, where would a poor boy cop a bunch of Seconal in this sad century.?)  

The secret word is Happy


“It’s a good question. Where would a poor girl cop a bunch of Seconal in this sad century?”


But the real star of Friday’s show was, beyond doubt, the wonderful Jaki Miles Windmill – formerly of Space Ritual – without whose highly ethnic percussion and amazing backup singing we would have been sorely wanting. We now have to persuade to sing lead on a tune or two. (Pic by Leslie Madigan)


J. Pierpoint Frozdick maintained his belief in robber baron, top hat, plutocrat capitalism until the mob of starving unemployed finally came to hang him from a convenient lamppost.