Thursday, August 19, 2010


Many years ago, I drove with Wayne Kramer from Detroit to St. Louis because Wayne was getting paid to do a guest spot on a Ted Nugent show. After meeting the man, I decided he was an asshole. Over the years, my only inclination to modify that first impression was down to Nugent proving himself an even bigger asshole than I had first imagined – in fact, an loud, obnoxious, reactionary, Bambi-killing asshole.

“Some of the biggest hunting rights advocates have had their brushes with the law when it comes to illegal wildlife killing. This week, law enforcement nabbed a big buck within the hunting rights field: Rocker Ted Nugent pled no contest in a California court to poaching activities -- baiting a deer and not having a properly signed hunting tag. If Nugent were just some rank-and-file loudmouth, the court proceedings wouldn't have stirred much attention. But Nugent is not only a long-serving board member of the NRA (15 years), he's a self-styled voice for hunters across America. We've always thought he's an embarrassment to the hunting lobby, providing an unceasing bilge of callous and crude beliefs and behaving in ways that are directly at odds with the self-portrait offered by hunters. Nugent says one thing and does another. He says that sport hunters are great conservationists, and then he goes on to defend the most unsporting, reckless, and irresponsible forms of hunting, such as canned hunts, bear baiting, or pigeon shoots.” Click here for more

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The secret word is Bully


  1. What an asshole indeed. No justification at all for supporting and taking part in, canned hunts, bear baiting, etc. -- just horrible.

  2. In a just world, Wayne Kramer would be the famous one and Ted Nugent would be a footnote in musical history.

  3. Seems that he's also a racist asshole.


  5. ted,be a better conservationalist & don`t kill the f/n thing! it takes guts to be gentle & kind.& why are you playing a les paul? man the hunter.jesus wept.

  6. I've known it all along, well said Mick

  7. I seem to remember reading a CREEM interview ca. '76 wherein the Nuge said that he shit his pants at the draft board to stay out of Nam. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

    Word verification: imias
